Introduction to Francine Set
Details Make the Dish a Feast of Art.
French gastronomy is all about using the right fresh ingredients with well-mastered techniques in a mentality designated for dining experiences. Each and every time you make a French meal, you can savour every harmonious aspect of a dish surrounding a succulent main ingredient and a thick sauce. By blending flavours together, layering tastes, you can savor every harmonious aspect of a dish surrounding a succulent main ingredient and a thick sauce, and enjoy each and every time you take a bite.
Hors d'oeuvres
Scallops, Aiyu Jelly, Lemon Sorbet

Tomatoes, Burrata, Octopus, Basil Oil
This is an authentic Mediterranean cuisine. Chef Dargon uses a variety of tomatoes with different colours and tastes. By combining with Burrata cheese and Sesame leaves with little granular pepper creates diverse layers of taste
Onion, Steamed Egg, White Cauliflower Soup

Tomatoes, Burrata, Octopus, Basil Oil
This is an authentic Mediterranean cuisine. Chef Dargon uses a variety of tomatoes with different colours and tastes. By combining with Burrata cheese and Sesame leaves with little granular pepper creates diverse layers of taste
Onion, Steamed Egg, White Cauliflower Soup
以清淡芳香的水果及香草製成類似冰沙的口感, 可使味覺與口感轉換,讓口腔舌尖的味蕾歸零, 才有更好的味覺享用主菜。

Tomatoes, Burrata, Octopus, Basil Oil
This is an authentic Mediterranean cuisine. Chef Dargon uses a variety of tomatoes with different colours and tastes. By combining with Burrata cheese and Sesame leaves with little granular pepper creates diverse layers of taste
Onion, Steamed Egg, White Cauliflower Soup
牛排先關在不透風的密室以龍眼木、核桃木、木炭、香料厚重的煙霧煙燻2小時,再以木炭炭烤至完美熟度,每一口都 香氣十足!

Tomatoes, Burrata, Octopus, Basil Oil
This is an authentic Mediterranean cuisine. Chef Dargon uses a variety of tomatoes with different colours and tastes. By combining with Burrata cheese and Sesame leaves with little granular pepper creates diverse layers of taste
Onion, Steamed Egg, White Cauliflower Soup
秋天不只是盛產海鮮的季節,柑橘類水果也是秋天的恩賜,以大量酸甜的檸檬製成檸檬塔,再搭配上各種柑橘類水果組合而成的一道秋季之作 。